Clinic and medical practice marketing
in cooperation with
Ihre Ansprechpartner:
Susanne Rose
+49 89 541960011
Trendsetting marketing
for clinics and medical facilities
The healthcare industry is on the edge of a digital revolution. Medical practices, medical care centers, and even entire hospitals are realizing that in times of a shortage of specialists, it is no longer enough to simply be listed in the phone book or to wait for referrals from colleagues. The pressure to change will continue to increase in the coming years: Patients expect a fast and smooth appointment process and communication at eye level. Referring physicians expect a trusting relationship at eye level. And professionals want to work in an environment where they can really use their skills effectively. All your target groups expect a professional appearance with which they can identify and which addresses their usage behavior.
We turn medical professionals into communicators by transferring knowledge from numerous projects to the healthcare sector. Because let’s face it: when it comes to digitization, there’s a lot for the healthcare industry to do. Let’s get it on!

Good reasons to work with
to work together with us
Everything from a single source
We don’t think in separate disciplines. Our product is called “individual communication”. And we can only achieve this because we can offer everything from a single source. With our 360-degree approach, we coordinate design, corporate identity, concept, editorial, web development and digitization projects to ensure that you only get what you really need to address your target groups.
Industry expertise
We know the hurdles and problems of the healthcare industry and how to overcome them. Whether it’s accessing funding, optimizing patient flow, or targeting industry media, we professionalize your marketing and ensure that you can continue to devote your full attention to your core business: caring for your patients.
We are not an agency focused exclusively on the healthcare industry. And that is precisely what we see as an important advantage. Because we know that clinics and practices are facing crucial changes: In internal and external communication, in digitization, and in topics such as organizational development and project management. Numerous successful models from a wide range of sectors are just waiting to be adapted to your industry.
Services at a Glance
Corporate Identity
A consistent brand strategy forms the basis of successful communication. In this way, healthcare companies significantly increase their recognition value and enhance identification both internally and externally.
Online Marketing
Of course, you should be discoverable on the Internet. But do you also have a comprehensive overview of your relevant channels? We help you to use your online budget more efficiently and to really advertise on the Internet in a meaningful and target-oriented way.
Reputation Management
Today, more than ever, physicians must also be communicators. For patients and for referring physicians. We help you methodically identify your relevant target groups and address them with the right content.
Referrer Communication
Medical specialists are particularly dependent on the cooperation with referring physicians. We know what is important for communicating with referring physicians and how to increase your findability in this demanding target group. In this way, you create a sustainable partner network.
The path to digital practice consists of many stages: From the application for various funding opportunities, through requirements management and the concrete development of the IT infrastructure, to the training of employees.
HR marketing
The shortage of skilled workers has fully taken hold of the healthcare and nursing sector. Practices and clinics must actively seek qualified personnel in order to survive on the market at all. So show at first glance why it is worth working for you.

Our 360-degree offer for healthcare companies is the result of close cooperation with ROSE MEDICAL MARKETING, a consulting agency that has specialized in the needs of the industry for years. Founder and Managing Director Susanne Rose knows the problems, requirements and sensitivities of the medical profession at first hand. She speaks fluent “medical German” and ensures the translation into a targeted patient:inside approach. This allows doctors in private practice to devote their valuable working time to patient care – while their marketing department works for them in the background.


Inquire now without obligation
and arrange a free initial consultation!

Your contact:
Susanne Rose & Felix Stürmer