
Specialist knowledge, trends & expert opinions
6. February 2025
SEO is not only technology, but also art and science at the same time. It is the pursuit of staying relevant in an ever-changing digital ecosystem. While Google sets new priorities every year, adapting to these changes requires not only analytical thinking, but also creativity.
6. February 2025
Google Ads is one of the most effective platforms for digital marketing and offers companies the opportunity to reach their target groups directly where they are active: when searching for relevant information, products and services. However, many companies do not fully exploit the potential of their campaigns because they only focus on creating and publishing ads.
6. February 2025
A well-planned newsletter is more than just a regular update – it is an effective tool for strengthening customer relationships, acquiring new customers and increasing sales. But how do you design a newsletter that really resonates and offers added value? In this article, you will find out what the components of a successful newsletter are and how to set it up optimally.
Would you like to update your WordPress website securely without jeopardizing the live site? Then a staging area is the ideal solution. Whether you want to test a new plugin, try out a fresh design or import important updates – in the staging area you can make and check changes in a protected environment before they go live.
The Microsoft Power Platform was first introduced in 2018 and has since become one of the most popular low-code platforms for companies. Originally intended as a tool for IT departments to automate internal processes, it has now taken on a central role in the digitalization of many companies. The so-called “citizen developer” is becoming increasingly important.
Keep an overview of your Dataverse data models with Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs): Whether planning, optimization or presentation – ERDs create clarity and promote collaboration. We show you three methods for creating ERDs.
5. January 2025
And another year comes to an end! A year full of projects, jour fixes, dailies, weeklies, monthlies, quarterlies, kick-offs, onboardings, offboardings, pitches, events, briefings, debriefings, retreats, focus times and all the other appointments that make us wonder where the time has actually gone. But when we think about who we were able to spend this time with, we are once again incredibly grateful for the development we were able to make as a team.
13. April 2023
The content management market has developed rapidly in recent years and with it the choice of CMS (Content Management System) solutions. Today, organizations are faced with the decision of whether to use a traditional CMS or a headless CMS.
18. March 2023
Choosing the right technology and approach to app development is critical to creating the most value for customers and users. Both low-code platforms and classic pro-code approaches play an important role here.
3. January 2022
2021 has certainly not only presented us with further challenges. But with the knowledge that we could always rely on a strong network, we were always able to face these challenges with confidence. For this reason, we would like to take advantage of the short breather between the years to say a quick thank you once again:
2. January 2022
At the latest since “inbound marketing” has become a buzzword in the ear canals of the decision-makers of every company, no matter how small, corporate blogs have been sprouting unstoppably from the ground. As an agency, you want to set a good example – and not infrequently fail in yourself where you succeed with your customers. Auch wir haben unsere eigenen Ziele für unseren Blog im letzten Jahr nicht erfüllen können. Warum das so ist und welche Lehren wir daraus gezogen haben: Zeit für etwas Kontemplation.
2. January 2022
The communication agency Medienstürmer and the practice marketing specialist ROSE Medical marketing announce the starting signal of their co-operation. The aim of the joint venture is to combine the service portfolios of the two agencies and to create a new marketing approach for medical practices, clinics and healthcare companies that combines all dimensions of contemporary practice communication in a single offering.
11. November 2018
Do your customers, employees or business partners always know who you are, what they have to offer and, above all, what distinguishes them from others? Individual and unique images help you to show your profile, to differentiate yourself from your competitors and to succeed in an increasingly competitive market. The following article will show you the most important advantages of strong image worlds and how you can use them for your company.
24. June 2018
Die Idee für Dossier-Digital als erstes eigenes journalistisches Medium entstand im März 2016, als viele verschiedene Überlegungen im Raum standen, wie die Zukunft von MEDIENSTÜRMER wohl aussehen könnte. Heute, 9 Monate später, ist es Zeit für einen Rückblick und eine erste Analyse des gesamten Projekts.
24. June 2018
Liebe Kunden, Partner und Wegbegleiter, auch wenn uns gerade jeder daran erinnert, dass dies die stressigste Zeit des Jahres ist, bieten die kommenden Tage doch auch einige gute Gelegenheiten zur Ruhe und Regeneration – einzig sie zu erkennen und zu nutzen ist die große Kunst.
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